
If you are coming from V1, make sure to follow this guide to upgrade your setup.


V2 uses inline styles instead of SCSS/CSS, so you must remove the imports. Check Styling for more information.


Renamed (breaking)

allowClicksThruHole ▶︎ spotlightClicks

disableOverlay false ▶︎ disableOverlayClicks false

keyboardNavigation true ▶︎ disableCloseOnEsc false the space, return, and tab keys are now controlled with tabIndex

scrollToSteps true ▶︎ disableScrolling false

showBackButton true ▶︎ hideBackButton false

showOverlay true ▶︎ disableOverlay false

showStepsProgress false ▶︎ showProgress false

tooltipOffset 30 ▶︎ Use the step floaterProps.offset

type 'single' ▶︎ continuous false

Removed (breaking)

autoStart (use the disableBeacon prop on the first step)





There are a few changes to the step syntax too:

selector ▶︎ target Now, it supports HTMLElement and string.

position ▶︎ placement The default is bottom now.

text ▶︎ content

type ▶︎ event

allowClicksThruHole ▶︎ spotlightClicks

style ▶︎ styles The properties have changed. Be sure to update to the new syntax.

Last updated